- Meaningful operation is recorded
QuickTest Professional™ or WinRunner™ will record a meaningful operation e.g. SelectGroup "Accounts " reflecting the new group selection instead of the low-level click operation Click 23, 45
- Readability
Easy to understand e.g. SelectGroup "Accounts "
- Reliability
Replay is done using the API of the object, therefore we can guarantee total reliability.
- Maintainability
Modifies a dll instead of all scripts, so the extensibility can be enhance afterwards.
- Usability
Subject Matter Expert or Business Analyst can use new methods through Step Generator or KeyWord View in QuickTest Professional and Function Generator in WinRunner
- Object recognition as new properties can be added. When you record on a custom object that is not supported by the appropriate add-in QuickTest Professional™ or WinRunner™ creates a description based on the object's class and index (windows id, ordinal identifier, etc...). Because the dynamic assistive identifier (index, windows id, ordinal identifier, etc...) changes depending how the objects are currently laid out in a window (number of objects), the physical description containing this property is not consistent. This inconsistent description may lead to the tool being unable to identify the same object in between runs or even during a single application execution.
- Immediate return on investment