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Services » Customisation » Overview
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WinRunner™ and QuickTest Professional™ support standard components (objects) or those extended from the standard base components, these standard objects are also referred as out-of-the-box supported components.

WinRunner™ and QuickTest Professional™ try to automatically recognise custom objects (non-standard components) and provide testing support for them; however WinRunner™ and QuickTest Professional™ can only provide partial context sensitive support by recording mouse clicks and key strokes e.g. obj_mouse_click for WinRunner, Click for QuickTest Professional.

This might not satisfy all your testing needs, you might therefore want us to customise the appropriate add-in to gain additional functionality for the specific custom object(s).

eProdix can extend the specific environment (see Environments) add-in interfaces by overriding existing methods and defining new ones, this is done though the creation of a custom server.

When the custom control is mapped to an existing WinRunner™ or QuickTest Professional™ test object, you have the full functionality of a WinRunner™ or QuickTest Professional™ standard test object, including all standard product features. (see illustration for QuickTest Professional™ or WinRunner™)

A component meaningful behaviour is the behaviour you want to test, for example when you click on a group item of an ExplorerBar component you are interested in the value of the selection, not in the click event and the coordinates of the click.
However, since the object is a custom class, QuickTest Professional™ will provide partial context sensitive support by recording the click event.
The meaningful behaviour of the ExplorerBar component is the change in the selection, and not the low-level behaviour of the control.

When eProdix customises the specific control, extra support is added to the component so the result is meaningful.
QuickTest Professional™ will therefore be recording a meaningful operation e.g. SelectGroup "Accounts " reflecting the new group selection instead of the low-level click operation.